1. West Siberian petroleum province. Rogozhnikovskoye field. Forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in igneous rocks of the Triassic
  2. West Siberian petroleum province.The oilfield “Goreloye”. Forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic basemen
  3. Lena-Tunguska petroleum province. Verkhnechonskoe oilfield. Forecast of development zones in fractured reservoirs Osa and Ust-Kut horizons
  4. Volga-Ural petroleum province. Karnavarskay oilfield. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the Devonian sediments. Forecast reefs.
  5. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktobe region. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the pre-salt carbonate-siliciclastic sediments.Time section Inline 300
  6. Orenburg region. Vershinovskaya oilfield. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the subsalt carbonate deposits
  7. Western Siberia. Nurol basin. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the pre-Jurassic rocks Urman-Archa deposit
  8. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Oymasha deposit. Forecast fractured reservoirs in volcanic-carbonate deposits of the Middle Triassic and granite intrusions. Resource assessment of hydrocarbon deposits with fractured reservoirs.
  9. West Siberian petroleum province. Comprehensive forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in the Bazhenov Formation on the basis of cluster analysis

West Siberian petroleum province. Rogozhnikovskoye field. Forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in igneous rocks of the Triassic

Layout profiles 2D CDP


Time section after standard and specialized CSPD processing

Maps index diffractors on reflecting horizon A and in the range of A + 50 ms

Analysis of the effectiveness of forecasting fractured reservoirs by the method CSPD at Rogozhnikovskoye oilfield


West Siberian petroleum province.The oilfield “Goreloye”. Forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic basement

Time sections with productive and non-productive wells


Diffractor map  in the productive interval


Three-dimensional model of cavernous fractured reservoirs in carbonate basement rocks


Comparison of the effectiveness of forecasting fractured reservoirs by the method FractureCSP and by the standard technology


Lena-Tunguska petroleum province. Verkhnechonskoe oilfield. Forecast of development zones in fractured reservoirs Osa and Ust-Kut horizons

Diffractors map of  Osa horizon


Time sections of reflectors and diffractors  obtained by the method CSPD


Map Ust-Kut diffractors horizon


Time sections of reflectors and diffractors obtained by the method CSPD

l4 l5

Time sections of diffractors obtained by the method CSPD


Volga-Ural petroleum province.  Karnavarskay oilfield. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the Devonian sediments. Forecast reefs.

Layout profiles 2D CDP

Сonventional time section.


Time section diffractors


Map index of acoustic heterogeneity


3D model of the oil reef reservoirs


The Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktobe region. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the pre-salt carbonate-siliciclastic sediments

Time section Inline 30001


Devonian (time section over the interval R + 300 ms)03

Time section of the scattered waves through the planned wells04

The reservoir in the Devonian sediments in the south area of the fragment Crossline 33605

Orenburg region. Vershinovskaya oilfield. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the subsalt carbonate deposits

Tectonic map of the Orenburg region07

Comparison cubes reflectors and diffractors imported into interpretative project with isochronous surface on the horizon A08

Fragment of time section cube diffractors for Inline 60009

Time section of the reflected waves through the well 50110

Time section of the scattered waves through the well 50111

Map index of acoustic heterogeneity Asselian-Artinskian deposits. Interval is A-A+100 ms.12

Western Siberia. Nurol basin. Forecast fractured reservoirs in the pre-Jurassic rocks Urman-Archa deposit

Combined time sections CSPD-diffractors (lines II-II) at the intersection of wells 22R, 11R, 118, 103, 122, 121, 124, 109, 6R, 9R. Productive wells – 109, 6R, 9R.13

Map of the amplitudes of the scattered waves in the interval of productive horizon14

The relationship between the oil production rate and amplitude of the scattered waves.15

Map forecast oil flow rates of cavernous fractured reservoirs16

The Republic of Kazakhstan. Oymasha deposit. Forecast fractured reservoirs in volcanic-carbonate deposits of the Middle Triassic and granite intrusions. Resource assessment of hydrocarbon deposits with fractured reservoirs.

Information about the object of research17

Prospects for further exploration of the granite intrusions18

The result of CSP specialized data processing 3D CDP

Prospects for further exploration of the granite intrusions20

Forecast of reservoir distribution zones in granitic intrusions and the prospects of its oil and gas potential21

Forecast of reservoir distribution zones in the Middle Triassic sediments and petroleum prospects

Assessment of forecast hydrocarbon resources for oil deposits in the granite intrusions23

Assessment of forecast hydrocarbon resources for oil deposits in the Middle Triassic sediments24

Assessment of forecast hydrocarbon resources for oil deposits in the Middle Triassic sediments25

West Siberian petroleum province. Comprehensive forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in the Bazhenov Formation on the basis of cluster analysis

Geography activities on the forecast of cavernous fractured reservoirs in the Bazhenov Formation26


ap index of acoustic heterogeneity Bazhenov Formation

An integrated forecast of zones fracturing Bazhenov Formation (klastrerizatsiya)

With clustering were taken into account:

  • level of fragmentation of the Bazhenov Formation
  • level of fragmentation and the permeability of surface Bazhenov Formation
  • level of fragmentation and the the permeability of rocks underlying the Bazhenov Formation
  • structural plan of the Bazhenov Formation on the time of formation deposits

Attributes scattered and reflected waves used for clustering28

Map bazhenovskoysvity oil and gas prospects. Allocation prospective areas29

The northern section of recommended places for emplacement well pad30

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Inline158 within the site recommended to lay the well pads31

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Crossline 384 within the site recommended to lay the well pads32

Western section recommended to lay the well pad33

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Crossline304 within the site recommended to lay the well pads34

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Inline78 within the site recommended to lay the well pads35

The southern section, recommended to lay the well pad36

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Crossline197 within the site recommended to lay the well pads37

Fragment of time section reflected (left) and scattered (right) waves Inline132 within the site recommended to lay the well pads38

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